AlMujtaba Blog: Know The Truth About Islam

Sunday, January 01, 2006

AIM STATEMENT: Mailing List Hacked by So-Called Shia Muslims

AIM STATEMENT: Mailing List Hacked by So-Called Shia Muslims

In His Name the Most High

All Praise is due to Allah, Lord of the Worlds and may his bounties and blessings be upon the greatest of mankind - Muhammed (SAW) and upon his holy Progeny .

Allah (SWT) says:

And most certainly Allah will know those who believe and most certainly He will know the hypocrites. [Holy Quran 29:11]

Salaamu Alaikum Warahmat Allah

As some of you may have already noticed, the AhlulBayt Yahoo Group of the AhlulBayt Islamic Mission (AIM) which was a mailing list that had been running for the last 4 years to help in communication and announcements of projects was destroyed on the eve of Ramadan by vandals who sought to silence the Mission.

After some investigations and tracing the trail of those who sabotaged our mailing list, we have come to know who has attacked the Mission. However, we believe that it is not suitable to reveal their identity for their own safety and for the interest of unity of the community in general.

May Allah forgive the so called Muslims who claim to await the Return and yet make mischief on the Earth.

"And of mankind are some who say: We believe in Allah and the Last Day, when they believe not." [Holy Quran 2:8]

We regret to inform you, that those of you, who had subscribed to the AhlulBayt Group prior to it being destroyed, have had their emails stolen by another party who wish to use these emails to further their events and gatherings. AIM in no way gave these emails to any third party and we apologise for this inconvenience and hope that you remained safe.

Our dear brothers and sisters, we in AIM have given an oath to remain on this path and will persevere in our efforts to promote a platform for the blessed return of our Leader regardless of any opposition or attempt to silence our calls. Such attempts will not stop us from continuing on this sacred path. We say to our enemies, who we will safeguard and shield as instructed to us by Islam, just as Habeel (the blessed Prophet and son of Prophet Adam) said to Qabeel (who was likewise son of Prophet Adam but was a transgressor): "If you hit me, I shall not hit you back; for I fear Allah, Lord of the Worlds."

On this note, it is with the blessings and bounties of Allah (SWT) that AIM has re-established its mailing list. For those who wish to continue to receive updates from AIM, please send us your contact email to to be added onto the list.

Finally, AIM would like to thank you for your support and patience during this testing time. Since these unfortunate attacks, we have received many messages offering assistance and help in order to rebuild what has been lost. May Allah bless you all for these kind offers.

Jazakum Allah Khair

Wa Min Allah Al-Tawfiq - Verily, success is from Allah.

Wasalaamu Alaikum Warahmat Allah

AhlulBayt Islamic Mission (AIM)

Please note that AlMujtaba Islamic Network is down right now for some technical difficulties. It might stay down for a day or two. Please be patient. Thank you


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